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제목 [BK세미나] 2023-06 Data science in capacity planning 날짜 2023-12-19 조회수 313
작성자 송미자


제6회 해외석학초청 세미나


- 연사 : Dr. Junho Lee/Amazon Inc. (뉴욕)

- 일시 : 2023.12.29.(금) 11:00~

- 진행 : 온라인(줌)

- 대상 : 데이터사이언스학과 재학생 전원 필참

- 주제 : Data science in capacity planning
- 초록 : This talk introduces data science applications for capacity planning in one of the largest e-commerce companies in the world. Retail e-commerce has experienced unprecedented demand due to the preference for contactless shopping experiences since the pandemic. However, customers have higher expectations than ever. Data science harnesses the capability to transform vast amounts of real data into business insights and supports decision-making related to multi-billion-dollar capacity expansion.
- 줌 링크 : https://seoultech.zoom.us/j/6490221641?pwd=c0RHaXlkMXRLU1h0WkZ0TWp6RVNqZz09 


(불참시 불이익 있습니다. 미리 알려주세요)


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